
Why Us

92% Graduation Rate

Our High School graduation rate is 7% higher than the state average of 85%.

#1 High School in Bay County

According to US News and World Report, JGHS is one of the best schools in the nation, and received the highest ranking of all Bay County schools.

Extracurriculars for Every Student

With over 58 athletic teams and dozens of clubs and recreational activities, students have many opportunities to express their passions!

Performing Arts

Our Bangor Township Performing Arts Program is known state-wide for its fantastic performers and productions.



I cannot say enough wonderful things about this district! As an alumnus of JGHS, there is no other place I would want my children to attend school. BTS provides an excellent education taught by amazing educators, and offers extra-curriculars led by coaches and directors who genuinely care!

- Alicea Moll


JGHS provided opportunities that allowed me to excel, as long as I worked for it. I knew from a young age that I wanted to serve my country and the amazing mentoring and guidance I received allowed me to progress. I have been blessed by so many things in my life and attending JGHS was one of them.

- J.R. Long, MIDN USN

Dinauer Family

Over the past 12 years, my 4 children have been students within the BTS District. We are a "Schools of Choice" family, and wanted a school that offered academics, extra-curriculars, and leadership. It's more than a school: it's a community that develops responsible, kind, and resourceful adults .

- The Dinauer Family


Attending Career Center was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was in the Emerging Technologies program and discovered my passion for advertising through competing in BPA events. Without that opportunity and support from faculty, I'm not sure where I would have ended up.

- Carlie McCarthy