
What is your name? Alexander Younce

What is your nickname? Alex

When I was young, I always imagined I would grow up to be a.........Teacher or someone who helps others

I am most proud of...............The work I've done for the school and the amount of people I helped.

My plans after high school include.............Going to Northern Michigan University in the Upper Peninsula for their cosmetology program and coming back down here to visit friends and family as much as possible.

In 10 years I see myself................Running my own salon or makeup company and living in a nice house with at least one book published.

My favorite memory of high school is..............Either going to art prize or finding Beatles and Beans with my friends at art class.

What I will miss most about high school is.........My friends and our adventures.

I would like to thank..................Mr. Albrecht, Mrs. Villegas, my mom and dad, and my oldest sister for helping me realize my full potential and being supportive of me.

Final Farewell: To Shelby and Cati, you two are wonderful and I still hate country music, you can’t change me. To Lee, you are my best friend in the whole world, please remember to be gentle to those around you and please give your dogs all of the love for me. To Brooke, you will do wonderful things, just stay strong.

Go on field trips! Go to school events! Make friends! High school may not be the best years of your life but you can try to make it memorable!